children gathered by a lake with a large net scooping out things from the water to explore

Eco-Leads Network & Teach-Meets

Eco-Leads Network

The Waltham Forest Eco-Leads Network has been established to enable teachers and non-teaching staff to share ideas, experiences and energise one another. The Network can also help raise the profile of Eco-Lead roles and the need for this role to include training and resources.
The Hive's Climate Outreach Coordinator is facilitating this cross borough Eco-Leads Network and can also support meetings of relevant staff from across different schools in a soft federation or academy trust.

Network Teach-Meets

This programme of half-termly networking and CPD events is run by The Hive to enhance knowledge and skills and enable peer learning. They are free for school and college Eco-Leads and any school staff who are enthusiastic about the role schools play in creating a flourishing future.

Click here to register your interest and receive full information when the networking meetings are promoted.

Teach-meet dates in 2023/24:

Autumn 1

Wednesday 11 Oct,
4 – 5pm


How to run the Big Climate Conversation

Autumn 2

Thursday 30 Nov, 4:30 - 6:30pm

In-person at William Morris Gallery

Free tour of the Radical Landscapes exhibition to celebrate the finale of the Big Climate Conversation

Spring 1

Tuesday 30 Jan,
4 – 5pm


Taking part in Eco-Schools & Let’s Go Zero

Spring 2

Monday 18 March,
4:00 - 5:30pm

In-person at Henry Maynard Primary School

Food growing and outdoor learning with The Hive

Summer 1

Wednesday 15 May, 4 – 5pm


Linking Rights and Climate Change

Register here

Summer 2

Thursday 13 June, time tbc


Eco-Leads Network Summer Social

Register here


What is an Eco-Lead?

Over 70% of all Waltham Forest nurseries, schools and colleges have designated Eco-Leads. They can be teachers or non-teaching staff who are enthusiastic about the role schools can play in creating a flourishing future and are able to be the point of contact for climate change and related learning at their school.

We know one voice is not enough to sustainably drive enthusiasm and build expertise in climate change education so we strongly recommend that schools, depending on their size, have more than one Eco-Lead. At least one Eco-Lead who coordinates the student Eco-Committee and other school-wide climate action, plus one Sustainability Curriculum Lead to ensure that all students are receiving a structured education for the future.

If you would like:

  • To find out more about sustainability and climate action outreach provided by The Hive and LBWF
  • To be listed as an Eco-Lead
  • Support making the case for Eco-Leads to your Senior Leadership Team
  • Contribute to this year's Climate Action Teach-Meet programme

Get in touch with 

The children couldn’t believe how many potatoes were coming from the bucket. Never be scared if you don’t have grounds for food growing, just experiment.
Nothing goes right but nothing goes wrong until you try

Laura Rodwell, Eco-Schools lead at Our Lady St George Primary School , Spring 1 2022 Primary School Teach-Meet