What is an Eco-Lead?
The Sustainability or Eco-Lead is an incredibly valuable role in a nursery, school or college. The DfE Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy sets out that all education settings should have a Sustainability (Eco) Lead and a Climate Action Plan by 2025.
Over 70% of all Waltham Forest nurseries, schools and colleges have designated Eco-Leads. They can be teachers or non-teaching staff who are enthusiastic about the role schools can play in creating a flourishing future and are able to be the point of contact for climate change and related learning at their school.
You can find an example Sustainability Lead role description here on The Hub's Climate Action Toolkit.
We know one voice is not enough to sustainably drive enthusiasm and build expertise in climate change education so we strongly recommend that schools, depending on their size, have more than one Eco-Lead.
If you are the Eco-Lead for your school, or looking for advice about becoming an Eco-Lead you can email thehive@walthamforest.gov.uk
Climate change and sustainability is an exciting subject because it is constantly evolving.
There are a lot of organisations out there producing excellent teaching resources and running exciting action driven initatives for schools to get involved.
Every half term The Hive produces an Eco-News for Schools which highlights our favorite projects, recommended resources and relevant funding. A must read for Eco-Leads.
The children couldn’t believe how many potatoes were coming from the bucket. Never be scared if you don’t have grounds for food growing, just experiment.
Nothing goes right but nothing goes wrong until you try