4 older girls sat around pond dipping dray looking for pond animals

Post-16 Biology

Choose from 2 of the activities below per day. We recommend a 2-day course. We also offer a residential with exclusive use of our unique wooden eco pods. This can include a luggage collection and walk from Chingford Station, reducing any travel costs. 


Freshwater ecology investigations - pond (April-October)

Stratified sampling (sweep sampling technique) of ponds will be carried out to sample distribution and abundance of animal species in relation to abiotic factors. 

Data presentation and Analysis: Chi-squared statistical test of size of trophic levels and interpreting the result. Calculate species diversity index (optional)

Plant species investigations - woodland succession (April-October) 

Systematic sampling will be used to study the abiotic and biotic factors of succession on the distribution and abundance of plant species from grassland into woodland. 

Data presentation and Analysis: Spearman’s Rank statistical test and interpreting the result. Option of planning investigation independently (to include research and referencing) between day 1 and 2 to meet CPAC requirement.

Plant species investigations – difference between 2 areas (April-October)

Random sampling will be used to investigate the height or leaf length of a named species in two contrasting areas. 

Data presentation and Analysis: Student’s t-test statistical test and interpreting the result. 

Population size investigations - capture-mark-release-recapture 

Use capture-mark-release-recapture to investigate the population size of a mobile terrestrial species (woodlouse). 

Data presentation and Analysis: Lincoln Index and interpreting the result.

Projects - (April to October)

Plan and carry out individual projects in our grounds or areas of Epping Forest

Specification links:

AQA 3.7.4. Populations in Ecosystems Required practical 12: Investigation into the effect of a named environmental factor on the distribution of a given species.

OCR Biology A Module 1: Development of practical skills in biology Module 4: Biodiversity, evolution and disease 4.2.1 Biodiversity PAG3 Module 6: Genetics, evolution and ecosystems 6.3.1 Ecosystems PAG3

EdExcel Biology A: Core practical 10

We look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful venue in the heart of Epping Forest!