image of tree roots

Roots of Wellbeing

We know how dedicated teachers are, to nurturing the growth and wellbeing of their students, but often at a cost to themselves. This day is about investing time in the most important resource in your classroom and your life: You!

Roots of Wellbeing’ is aimed at giving you the much-needed opportunity to rest, reflect, replenish, reconnect and rejuvenate. Our qualified therapeutic practitioner will guide you through nature-based activities, specifically designed to help restore your mental and physical wellbeing. The workshop is set around the campfire and in the peace of Epping Forest but activities can be easily integrated with everyday life for sustained impact.

Our 5 R’s of restoration
•    Rest and have your needs taken care of- first (because you matter).
•    Reflect on what really matters to you and what makes you whole.
•    Replenish your inner wellbeing through expert-led activities, you can take away.
•    Reconnect with yourself, others and nature.
•    Rejuvenate your zest for life and restore your mojo!

Full or half day options
You can choose from a full or half day workshop. We would recommend a full day, so you have the space and time to fully unwind and engage with the more profound aspects of the workshop. If you choose the half-day option, this can be combined with another booking like Team-Building Activities or Venue Hire for your private meetings and workshops.